Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An Exerpt from Grace's File

"She can say “baba”, “mama”, “shu shu” (“uncle”), and those kinds of simple titles. She is clever and can look at adults and see their expressions. She does what she wants to do. She can understand praising words and critical words. She can accurately point to all five facial features in a picture of a doll, and she knows the names of all the other children in her class. If she drops her shoes, she knows to take her shoe and put it on her foot. She pushes the toy car around the activity room, running quickly. Sometimes she helps the other children pick up the toys. She can walk all around while holding a hand, but she is scared if you let go of her hand and she won’t dare bravely walk on her own. As long as you give her a little help, she can bravely walk ahead. She likes to mimic things adults do. She is also extremely polite; when guests leave she will say goodbye. Sometimes when she is naughty, people like her even more. She likes to play with toys with the other children, and she gets along peacefully with the other children."

It warms my heart every time I read it.