After a really long flight we made it safely to China! The flight was good. I was able to sleep some, but Paul didn't. We crashed when we got to our hotel room and slept until morning. That was a really good thing because we didn't have any jet lag today. The hotel we are staying at is very nice. It has a really good breakfast and a mall underground. This morning we met up with the three other CCAI families and our guide George and toured Beijing. We took a rickshaw ride first.

Next we took a tour of a very old traditional Chinese home that is still lived by the descendants of a very old family and then a silk factory. That was actually really cool. I had no idea they actaully unwound silkworm cocoons in order to make the threads of silk. Here is a picture of what it looks like.

We ate lunch at a really good Chinese restaurant and spent the rest of the day touring Teinanman Square and the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is the Imperial Palace where only the Emporer and his family lived. It was built in 1426 and is amazing. Our Guide is great and shared much with us about Chinese history.

We've really enjoyed or first day in China. The people here are very friendly and kind. They especially love the three year old American boy in our group and they'll often stop and take picture of him like he was a celebrity. To say that Beijing is crowded would be an understatement. It is a HUGE city with lots of modern building next to century old ones.
We had a very full day, one we'll always remember. We skyped with the boys and now we are going to bed. Only three more days until we get Grace! We are so thankful for this opportunity and for all the prayers. Especially for the boys as we are apart from them.
Tomorrow we se the great wall!
Please forgive the typos and poor writing. My brain is so tired it's numb.
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