Day three has been good for us. We've had a chance to relax and mentally prepare for "gotcha day" which is tomorrow. We left our hotel in Beijing at 9:30 and headed for the airport. Our flight left at 12:30 and was only about 2 hours long. We landed in Zhengzhou, the capital of the
Henan province and were met by our new guide Yi
sha. We checked into our new hotel, which is wonderful and Paul went to the bank while I nested in our hotel room. We have a crib set up for Grace. I also packed her a backpack and a diaper bag. We ate dinner tonight with two other families at the Italian restaurant in our hotel, Mama
Mia's. It was very good. After tonight we may stick to noodles and dumplings for awhile for Grace's sake. It's been great sharing this experience with other families. We are all so excited to meet our new children. Paul and I are ready for tomorrow, and not at all nervous as of yet.

This is our group, minus one dad who just joined us today (he is doing his 6
th and 7
th Chinese adoption!) The group consists of three couples, one family of five and the one dad by himself. George our guide is in the middle. All of us have other children and we are all adopting waiting children.

Here is Paul and I with George before we left for the airport.

This is me and Amy working on learning some
Mandarin phrases to speak to our daughters tomorrow.
Paul is snoozing already, and I am really hoping to be able to sleep past 4:00 am tonight. We are exhausted, and that is a very good thing because we are so excited, it would be hard to sleep otherwise.
The next time we post will our Gotcha Day pictures!!!
Glad to see your new posts/pictures. We've been praying for your family daily. EXCITED about "gotcha day" being so close now! :)