We have spent the last two days walking around the island, shopping and playing with Grace in our room. In the room she is wide open, wild, running around yelling and laughing. She is a wild girl. Outside the room she is either grumpy or shut down with occassional moments of being content while being pushed around in her stroller. She's gone from being terrified of the bath, to angry at it, to loving it so much we can't get her out. She is no longer eating everything in sight, in fact it's been hard finding things she likes the last few days. Although, she loves Pringles. She jabbers a lot in Chinese, and can say bye-bye and wave. She says mama, baba (daddy), Bei Bei (what she calls herself and we call her) and ge ge (brother). She hates to wear clothes and we have force them on her. She is a lot of fun, and we can't wait for her to fully bloom, although we will have our hands full for sure!!
Grace loves the bath!

Daddy and Grace in our hotel.

Our group of kids on the red couch. Hannah, Grace, Sha Pu, Lily, Silei, Daniel and Mary.
Look who was not happy that mama put her down.

Mom and Dad with Grace on the famous red couch in the White Swan hotel.

Mom and Grace, she wasn't thrilled to be in her Chinese Dress.
We are really missing our boys, but being on Shamain Island has been wonderful. We've got lots of phenominal bargains, had Starbucks, met some Chinese Christians, and lots and lots of other adoptive families. It is really heartwarming to see all the new families. The very large majority of the children being adopted are waiting children. Please excuse my poor spelling and writing from this trip. I'm either distracted by Grace or exhausted when I write these. Love to you all.
Hannah- Thank you so much for taking time from Grace & Paul to update your blog. I get up every morning looking to see if there is something new & new pictures. Grace is beautiful & precious. Many things that you have talked about I remember another friend that adopted a child from China speaking of. I am glad that you are getting time to enjoy & bond w/ her but can only imagine how much you miss the boys. Grace has no idea the love that awaits her when you arrive back home. I hope that coming home is soon for you so that you can all be reuinted together! Many prayers still coming your way! It's been a pleasure being able to follow this journey with you & I look forward to seeing more as the years go by. Much Love....Angela