These were taken on Mother's Day. We took a bunch more, but it's taken me so long to download these that I have to give up now. The boys each wanted a picutre made with Grace and I wanted a picture of me with each child. I think they turned out pretty well- considering how fun it is to take picutres. :) I had to drastically reduce the resolution because our dsl is so slow, and it still too a long time to download these. 

beautiful family!!! i'm impressed that you were able to keep everyone still for a great picture! wish we lived closer so Lily and Grace could play. We are enjoying some extra snuggle time with Lily since her surgery since she basically just wants to be held...Michael is especially enjoying it. Congrats on your new van...yippee! I know my 2 freinds that have one and LOVE it. Miss you all and appreciate your prayers for Lily. Hugs to Grace for us...