Grace is doing amazingly well. My boys amaze me with how much they love their sister. God's healing over Grace is amazing. She is not the same child we met one month ago tomorrow. The pictures above show her yesterday and on "gotcha day". She wasn't sleeping in the picture, she was shut down. The more she blossoms the more I realize how truly terrified and shut down she really was while in China. She is so funny and sweet and keeps us laughing and SO busy. We loved her before she was given to us but the more we get to know the real Grace the more we really love her. She is coming out of her shell around other people now, and at church tonight she was waving to everyone and saying "hi". It's really fun watching her experience every new event; car rides, the grocery store, playing outside, swinging, worshipping, and lots more. She now says, all of the boys names, hi, bye, no,
ge ge (brother),
ba ba (daddy), mama, hat, coat, shoes, night-night, more, and I know there are others I can't remember. She makes funny faces, gives kisses, waves hi and bye and imitates just about everything. She's still afraid of the grass, but is making progress. She still mostly prefers mom or dad or one of the boys to anyone else - and we're okay with that. She and the boys are still so sweet together. They fight over who gets to wake her up and who gets to sit by her in the car. I am irritated with myself for not getting a good picture of all 5 of them together. I'll try really hard to get one and post it soon.
God is amazing!
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