I love going to visit my friend Kim. Our kids play so hard, and so well together. I always leave feeling encouraged, and inspired to be a better mom and a more committed Christian. Her kids were great and let my practice photography on them, since mine are quite tired of it. Unfortunately, didn't get to many of all the kids together or Kim and I....Next time! Click on the pictures to see them enlarged.

These are FANTASTIC Hannah!!!! I can already see the things you are learning from class showing in your photography....so glad you are loving Lisa's class. It truly has been such a gift to me. You have captured some beautiful moments and I just LOVE the B&W of Grace....wow the lighting on that is stunning and of course your beautiful girl just makes the picture :) If you are up for another photography adventure I am traveling to Gatlinburg for a day of photography with Shannon Sewell May 1st. I love her work and it would be so fun to see you :) I even thought about telling Beth about the workshop...we could make it a girls trip. Hard to believe it has been a year since we traveled. So thankful God allowed us to have you in our group. I am working on a video and hope to have it ready by our gotcha day. Keep up the great job on your photography! You are a quick study :) xoxoxo