Saturday, March 24, 2012

Favorite Photo Friday: Around our house

As a kid, I loved to take pictures. When Sam was a baby I took quite a few, then a few less
with Joe. When the twins were born I had four kids ages four and under I literally never had
a hand that was free to hold a camera, and the picture taking came to a halt. I wish I had more of the boys as little guys. I guess I am making up for lost time now, and no one who comes to our house is safe. I've taken thousands (7510 to be exact) of pictures in the last two months. Here are a few from this last week. Grace hosted a tea party for her very gracious older brothers.

The picture above is of poor quality and you can see a pile of laundry on
our couch, but their expressions are completely priceless.

Paul found MI and MSU winter hats in the bargain bin at the store.
Will has worn his every day since, even with shorts in 90 weather. Of course
he's in shorts and barefoot all winter long.

No one is safe from my camera. This is my beautiful friend Melissa, and her son Alex.
They let me take pictures of them after small group Sunday night.

Poor Sam hurt his foot twice this week and spent a lot of time in Dad's recliner.

Will rediscovered the raccoon skull he found last summer.
I found this later in my kitchen!

Ben had an ear infection this week, the first one in years.

Love this picture. It melts me.

Grace went from insisting on being called, "Baby Doll" the last two weeks,
to telling us her name is, "Big Sister." This is NOT an announcement :).

I love these freckles. Joe is such a big helper, and the most willing
child when I need to take pictures. (Although he's not all that willing.)

My neighbors aren't safe either. Little Chase IS my most willing model.

My friend Becky and her family came over last night for dinner. She let me take lots of pictures
of her two little ones. They were so sweet, even though they were being attacked by
gnats the whole time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Favorite Photo Friday: Summer in March!

We are loving these 75 degree days in March!!!
It's not normally this warm until mid-June.
And March is always a tough month, at the end of a bitter cold winter.
What a gift that has been. Will, Ben and Grace even splashed around
in the pond today! I took these pictures yesterday evening.

For more Friday Favorites visit Lisa at:

the long road

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Year!!

It was one year ago today that our daughter was placed in our arms forever.
I think it was probably both the best and worst day of her little life to this point.
What a JOYful, long anticipated day for our family.
What a terrifying shock for Grace.

We celebrate Grace's life today, but we mourn her losses.
Until you are touched personally by adoption, you don't realize
the grief that is intermingled with the great joy.
The intense loss and the huge gain that happen at the same instant.
We are forever grateful that Grace's birth mom chose to give her life.
Abortion is, sadly, very much on the rise in China.
We are forever saddened that she will never know anything about us
and Grace will never know anything about her.
We HATE that she was abandoned.
We are beyond grateful that she was placed somewhere she would be found.
She was given EXCELLENT medical care.
And lived in a poor orphanage where they really CARE for the children,
thanks to the fact they have a Half the Sky Program.
And God perfectly orchestrated the events that allowed us to be the ones to get her file.
We gained a daughter, Grace gained a FAMILY
but she lost a familiar culture, language, and the comfort of being part of the majority.
We can't describe the privilege it's been to watch
as the Great Physician heals our little girl.
We are humbled and in awe of His GRACE.
We love that she smiles almost all the time now.
She smiles so big her eyes completely disappear!
She laughs often, and it comes from way down deep in her soul.
She sleeps peacefully in her own bed, most nights.
We are humbled by the endless amount of unconditional love that Sam, Joe, Will and Ben have for their sister. It's been a year and she still has a hard time with them sometimes. But she does LOVE them, and is slowly coming around.
We are SO THANKFUL to have Grace in our family.
She completed us, and has added so much fun, laughter, sunshine, cuddles, and PINK
to our home.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If not us then who?

I am feeling, for the first time in many years, that God has closed the door on us adopting again, at least for now. However I am feeling an urgency to help the orphan - or to help children not to become orphaned in the first place - more than ever before. It has really hit me like I ton of bricks. Please take a minute to read this blog:

The pictures on here are very disturbing. But I ask you to look at them anyway. These precious children were created in God's image, and this is happening right NOW. My children are so fortunate, how can I turn my back on these little ones? I for one cannot be complacent any longer. I am praying that God will show me what our family should do. I would love it if others would join me.

Upward Basketball 2012

This was our second year participating in Upward Basketball at Flushing Community Church of the Nazarene. I am not sure how other churches do Upward, but I have LOVED everything about this program. After the awful experience we had coaching baseball two years ago, Upward has help make kids sports fun again for our family. Paul volunteered to be Joe's assistant coach and was recruited :) to be Will and Ben's assistant coach as well. Upward provides the competition kids need, but in such a positive environment. Every kid plays, and the coaches really teach the kids the game. Every game begins with prayer, and they have devotions for the players and crowd at half time. The coaches spend the last few minutes of practice talking to their team and players are rewarded for playing well and exhibiting Christlike behavior. The fans cheer for everybody, and there is no yelling at the kids from the sideline. I wish all kids' sports could be so encouraging and fun. We absolutely loved it. Here are some shots of our boys. I love how each picture captures their personalities.

Sam: Determined and strong-willed

Joe: Focused and accurate

Will: Thoughtful and trying hard

Ben: Fun and full of life (here he is on offense, but guarding his man, with a big smile. lol)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Favorite Photo Friday: Kim's Family

I love going to visit my friend Kim. Our kids play so hard, and so well together. I always leave feeling encouraged, and inspired to be a better mom and a more committed Christian. Her kids were great and let my practice photography on them, since mine are quite tired of it. Unfortunately, didn't get to many of all the kids together or Kim and I....Next time! Click on the pictures to see them enlarged.

the long road